Volume 12, Issue 4 (1-2025)                   JRIA 2025, 12(4): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Eslami S, Arami H. (2025). Analysis of the Causes of Problems Related to High Population Density in Urban Planning. JRIA. 12(4), doi:10.61186/jria.12.4.5
URL: http://jria.iust.ac.ir/article-1-1773-en.html
1- Department of Architecture, Faculty of Islamic Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.
Abstract:   (1299 Views)
Today, the high population density load in various areas across Iran, combined with capitalist approaches and interests in the housing sector and the disregard for the population thresholds and critical limits of different cities, has led to the inadequacy of economic, functional, cultural, and environmental infrastructures. Consequently, this situation has paved the way for the emergence and intensification of numerous visible and hidden consequences. Therefore, monitoring the positive and negative impacts of various types and levels of density in discussions related to land use, especially in emerging urban developments, requires the attention of urban specialists. Moreover, contextualizing the concept of different types of density—whether population density or building density—in alignment with the civilization, culture, and specific worldview of the Islamic-Iranian lifestyle as an ideal vision is essential.
It is worth mentioning that, so far, various internal studies from different urban planning disciplines have critically examined the root causes of inefficiencies and the challenges associated with high-density development. However, these studies have not adopted a holistic approach to this issue. This underscores the necessity and importance of the present research in managing and optimally utilizing the capacities in policies related to density allocation across the country. Considering the problem and the need to address it, this study aims to answer this question: What are the harms of applying high-density development in the various aspects of the urban planning system? To answer this question, after reviewing the theoretical literature on this subject, the issue of undesirable high urban population density is analyzed using the fishbone technique, categorizing the primary and secondary influencing factors based on content analysis of a set of domestic and international studies. Finally, policy recommendations are provided to manage this issue.
This study is applied research in terms of the use of its results, and it is analytical. It employs a qualitative paradigm and the strategy of inductive qualitative content analysis on related Persian and English studies concerning the literature on the subject. In this study, after multiple screenings, the text of selected Persian and English studies was considered the main qualitative data for entry into the analysis, and content analysis was subsequently conducted. Therefore, following the exploratory and descriptive examination of the data, relevant propositions were extracted, initial data were recorded, and then, through an in-depth analysis, the predominant themes were identified, analyzed, synthesized, and integrated. Finally, the core data aligned with the main research question and objective were obtained by organizing and structuring these themes based on their conceptual weight and thematic grouping. The related causes were categorized into primary and secondary factors within the fishbone diagram, derived from the emergent concepts and formative categories from the data. The strategy for identifying studies in this research was based on searches within the Web of Science and Google Scholar citation databases, as well as the domestic citation databases Noormags and Magiran and the Humanities Science Database. Additionally, a snowball search method was employed on the references of retrieved articles and books to complete the research's statistical population.
The results of this study confirm that high-density development in the statistical population of this research has led to numerous issues in human settlements. These issues can be categorized into 27 main factors and 111 sub-factors across various dimensions: economic-functional, spatial-physical, socio-cultural, political-institutional, perceptual-psychological, visual, and environmental, affirming the problematic nature of this concept. The "socio-cultural" dimension accounts for the highest frequency of both primary and sub-factors in this study, highlighting its greater significance and weight compared to other challenges associated with this issue. The six main factors identified in this dimension include "crises in concepts related to privacy, personal space, territory, and overcrowding; increased crime rates and reduced social security; weakening of social bonds among residents; intensification and deepening of social conflicts and differences; clashes of interests among cultures and subcultures; and the emergence of behavioral disorders in adults and behavioral problems in children," along with 29 sub-factors stemming from the analysis in this area. Additionally, the perceptual-psychological dimension has 21 sub-factors; the economic-functional dimension has 18 sub-factors; the environmental dimension has 15 sub-factors; the spatial-physical dimension has 11 sub-factors; the visual dimension has ten sub-factors, and the political-institutional dimension has seven sub-factors. Among these, the sub-factor "promoting antisocial behaviors among residents and weakening mental health leading to psychological disorders" has received the most frequent citations in critical studies by urban experts.
Given the extensive network of primary and sub-factors concerning the problem of high-density development in the studies of domestic and international researchers, there is an emphasized need to establish a localized framework for density development to prevent the ongoing contradictory trends and to protect the tangible and intangible values of the Islamic-Iranian lifestyle in the country. To this end, identifying and extracting context-sensitive approaches for population and building density development in various climatic and cultural regions of the country to redefine density in alignment with Iranian cities should be considered in future research. Addressing this challenge in Iranian cities requires the attention and participation of macro-level management and executive bodies, alongside urban planners and specialists, based on the interaction of environmental capacity layers in different zones.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Subject- oriented researches in Islamic architecture and urbanism, eg. Spatial-geometrical ideas, symbols and ornaments
Received: 2024/09/1 | Accepted: 2024/10/14 | Published: 2024/12/28

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