Volume 12, Issue 3 (10-2024)                   JRIA 2024, 12(3): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Abbaszadeh M, Karimi R. Identifying the Values of Architectural and Urbanism Heritage in Urban Development Plans (Case Study: Northwest Region of Iran). JRIA 2024; 12 (3)
URL: http://jria.iust.ac.ir/article-1-1694-en.html
Abstract:   (1039 Views)
Urban historical textures are symbols of originality and identity in our city, and have high values. These structures, as architectural and urban heritage, have been inherited from our predecessors for us as a memory. Our responsibility towards this precious heritage is to understand its underlying values, and to preserve and promote it. But as it should be, the values ​​of these textures do not have a proper place in the study process of urban development plans. With the arrival of modernism in Iran and the imposition of a new spatial arrangement resulting from it on the historical contexts of old cities, responding to the social and cultural needs of the residents has been forgotten. The multiplicity of procedures and their sectional nature and the impact of relevant policies from sectional decisions without philosophical and theoretical support is the bottleneck that developing countries are currently facing. Therefore; urban heritage cannot be imagined as a isolated phenomenon, an enclosed area that is protected from the external forces of change due to plans and regulations. The work process was such that first the values ​​of architectural heritage and urban planning were introduced and a category that could be extracted from it was presented, and then a comparative study of the realization of these values ​​was carried out in the description of study services of comprehensive and detailed plans, description of special and non-homogeneous services, and in the next step with the application of pathology, the reasons for its non-fulfillment have been studied in these plans. In this regard, in order to carefully examine the issue of the development plans of several cities in the northwestern region of the country, it has been studied. The results of the research show that urban development plans, as the most important urban planning documents in the field of paying attention to the values ​​of architectural heritage and urban development and its application in order to protect this heritage, have performed poorly and the right place has not been considered for it. In this regard, the special plans for the protection and revival of the historical area have been successful in paying attention to the many values ​​of the historical contexts and have covered many existing gaps, but they still have disadvantages. In the following, based on the results, solutions are proposed with the aim of eliminating this shortcoming and the appropriate calculation and application of values ​​in urban development plans, so that the study, review and presentation of a suitable plan in an integrated manner for the whole city in terms of the differences and unique characteristics of each part of the city can be a lot to resolve urban heritage issues.
Urban historical textures are symbols of originality and identity in our city, and have high values. These structures, as architectural and urban heritage, have been inherited from our predecessors for us as a memory. Our responsibility towards this precious heritage is to understand its underlying values, and to preserve and promote it. But as it should be, the values ​​of these textures do not have a proper place in the study process of urban development plans. With the arrival of modernism in Iran and the imposition of a new spatial arrangement resulting from it on the historical contexts of old cities, responding to the social and cultural needs of the residents has been forgotten. The multiplicity of procedures and their sectional nature and the impact of relevant policies from sectional decisions without philosophical and theoretical support is the bottleneck that developing countries are currently facing. Therefore; urban heritage cannot be imagined as a isolated phenomenon, an enclosed area that is protected from the external forces of change due to plans and regulations. The work process was such that first the values ​​of architectural heritage and urban planning were introduced and a category that could be extracted from it was presented, and then a comparative study of the realization of these values ​​was carried out in the description of study services of comprehensive and detailed plans, description of special and non-homogeneous services, and in the next step with the application of pathology, the reasons for its non-fulfillment have been studied in these plans. In this regard, in order to carefully examine the issue of the development plans of several cities in the northwestern region of the country, it has been studied. The results of the research show that urban development plans, as the most important urban planning documents in the field of paying attention to the values ​​of architectural heritage and urban development and its application in order to protect this heritage, have performed poorly and the right place has not been considered for it. In this regard, the special plans for the protection and revival of the historical area have been successful in paying attention to the many values ​​of the historical contexts and have covered many existing gaps, but they still have disadvantages. In the following, based on the results, solutions are proposed with the aim of eliminating this shortcoming and the appropriate calculation and application of values ​​in urban development plans, so that the study, review and presentation of a suitable plan in an integrated manner for the whole city in terms of the differences and unique characteristics of each part of the city can be a lot to resolve urban heritage issues.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2023/07/19 | Accepted: 2024/08/17 | Published: 2024/12/28

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